This post was inspired by, well, my previous Reading Status posts. I wanted to make it something that everyone could particpate in. Every Saturday (and sometimes Sunday), I will post what I've finished in the past week, what I'm currently reading and where I am in the book/s, what I plan to read next, and possibly what I want to buy/get. I will be trying to do this ever week, so be sure to check back every weekend! Be sure to enter your links to your WYS posts in the Linky Tool below. (The Linky Tools will always be left open on Sundays for those of you who can't post on Saturdays.)
This next portion of the post is an idea that I saw on the wonderful blog Small Review. She posts what reviews and memes she has posted and participated in that last week. Remember, however, that it is not mandatory for you to do this part of the post.
Things you don't wanna miss:
Reviews this week:
~None unfortunately. Two of them should be coming later today or tomorrow, though!
Memes this week:
Now, for my status! (Please keep in mind that you do not have to use this exact format. Whatever works for you is what works for me.)
Finished This Week:
- Nothing still.
Currently Reading:
- Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Country by Allan Richard Shickman. On page 87. This books is getting seriously interesting!
- Remember Me (series omnibus) by Christopher Pike. On page 381. I'm probably about halfway through the second story, The Return.
Next On My TBR (To Be Read) Pile:
- Not really sure what I'm going to read next. Probably will go with Wicked (Witch & Curse) by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie.
What I Would Like To Buy Next:
- Next I would want to start getting the Immortals series by Alyson Noel so I can enjoy those. (BTW, I got The Alchemyst!!! No giveaway, though :/.)
Don't Forget to post the link to your WYS post in the Linky Tool below!
For example:
Name: Butterfly Feet Walking on Books
URL: http://walkingbutterflyfeet.blogspot.com/whats-your-status-2010
I must get the last two of the Immortals series, ugg....too many books, so little time & money!
I like the meme idea. Have a great weekend!
Don't worry over it, you will get them whenever it was meant for you to get them. (Hopefully that's sometime soon!)
Thank you, and have a great weekend yourself!
Ah, I did do this post this week. But it didn't turn out rather how I would like and I was fighting with the iphone. Anyway, hun I will be sure to have it up for next week in proper order and on time. LOL!
Mad Scientist,
LOL no problem, MS. :)
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This blog is an award-free zone. I simply don't have the time to pass them on. Thanks for thinking of me, though :).