By Kurt Frenier
Publisher: Eloquent Books, 2010
209 pages, Google Docs
Date Finished: 19/ 11/ 2010
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Coming of Age, Adventure, Some Action
~First Line of Book: "Ethan stared out the window."
~Last Line of Book: "He was committed to finding out exactly what the real story was."
"WOW!" That's the first word that came to my mind when I finished this epic author and series debut novel. A big "THANK YOU" shout out to Kurt Frenier for asking me to review this novel. I am really glad that I accepted your offer!
Now, on to my review.
Review: The main character, Ethan, is first met in old castle ruins in Switzerland, acting as a king of a royal court. Ethan doesn't like his life; his father just bosses him around and doesn't care. Then Ethan gets the story-turning letter to come aboard the StudyTrain for 8 years. He accepts the offer.
Ethan makes several new friends onboard the StudyTrain, and learns several new and exciting things, among them how to fly the magical train. Then Ethan, unfortunately, is offered a chance of power and leadership by the bad guy, Krixit.
Of course, in the end Ethan knows that Althulos, the Grandmaster on the StudyTrain, is the good person and not Krixit like he once believed.
This book had some great action and adventure. While o nthe StudyTrain, the children are traveling all over the world learning about different cultures. Ethan definitely went through some crazy times.
The characters were very well established, and you can tell the plot was thoroughly thought about before the actual writing took place. I can't wait to read the sequel to this wonderful series debut.

Quotes from the Book:
" 'Now leave,' Lana said. 'I want to take a bath.'
'I can rub your back if you want,' Ethan said, winking his eye.
'In your dreams!' she giggled."
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