I thought I would develop a post for my lovely followers to see what they really don't wanna miss! Here 'ya go!:
1.) Elyssa, Jen, and I have started a new blog! It's only a couple of weeks old, but we would really appreciate it if you'd stop by! UnRead Brainds Eat Bloody Words.
2.) One of my buddies from GoodReads has started her own YA book blog. Please make her feel welcome in the book blogosphere! You can visit her at YA Booklover Blog.
3.) My wonderful, steampunkery friend Mad Scientist from Steampunkery & Book Reviews is hosting 2 intriguing 2011 challenges. They are the Reading Bucket List Challenge and the Morbid Romantica Challenge. You can click on the titles to find out more information :).
4.) I have a new page on my blog called My Little Dictionary. I will be posting all sorts of words that I do not know the meaning to; they will be from books I am currently reading.
5.) I am the most wonderfulest (my opinion) Christmas post set up for you all, and I really hope y'all like it. It only took about an hour to think of and type up, but I really like it. It will be posted this Saturday, so please come back and take a look at it! :D
6.) My co-bloggers at For the L♥ve of Reading and I are hosting a giveaway. We will have the post about it up really soon so keep a look out here or there to be the first to know about it! C:
7.) I'm doing a major REDO project on my Quote Gallery, and it's starting to look better already!! I took off the five or six motivational quotes I had and will do those over after I get all my book quotes done. You can see that I started all over. It will definitely take a few weeks, but soon I will be completely caught up! :D
8.) I have made a Facebook page for this blog, and I would really appreciate it if you all who have a FB acct would "like" it. The page is here. I have also made a Twitter account for this blog, and all you Twitter users, I would really appreciate it if you would follow me. That page is here.
9.) Next Wednesday, December 29th, there will be a special "10 Best Books I Forgot To Read This Year" post from the writers at My Dog Ate My Blog. This post will be for those students who had a huge academic load and didn't have time during the year to read for fun. I would say "Like me!" but then I'd be fibbing :).
10.) 2010 is coming to an end and that means that it's time to see how far I've gotten in my 2010 Reading Challenges! If you've looked lately, there no longer is a "2010 Reading Challenges" page. That's because I don't want anyone to be able to know the results before I display them :). I will be posting that on this blog on December 29th. Same day as the special post. Be smart and kill 2 birds with one stone! c(:
11.) I know that some of you look forward to my 30 + Change posts every month, and I really am sorry that I didn't post November's. However, I have already scheduled for a joint post: On December 30th, what I bought for November and December will all be on one post. Be on the lookout for that!
12.) Now this one is just funny. My friend (that's unfortunately moviing after the holidays) made up this little person. Look --> :+< Isn't it adorable?! LOL :).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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This blog is an award-free zone. I simply don't have the time to pass them on. Thanks for thinking of me, though :).