This post was inspired by, well, my previous Reading Status posts. I wanted to make it something that everyone could particpate in. Every Saturday (and sometimes Sunday), I will post what I've finished in the past week, what I'm currently reading and where I am in the book/s, what I plan to read next, and possibly what I want to buy/get. I will be trying to do this every week, so be sure to check back every weekend! Be sure to leave your links to your WYS posts in the comments.
This next portion of the post is an idea that I saw on the wonderful blog Small Review. She posts what reviews and memes she has posted and participated in that last week. Remember, however, that it is not mandatory for you to do this part of the post.
This next portion of the post is an idea that I saw on the wonderful blog Small Review. She posts what reviews and memes she has posted and participated in that last week. Remember, however, that it is not mandatory for you to do this part of the post.
Things You Don't Wanna Miss:
~My First-ever Giveaway!!!! (closes on the 28th!)
~Giveaways Galore!
Reviews this week:
~Green Lantern (movie)
Memes this week:
~In My Mailbox & Sunday Confessions
~Music Monday
~Teaser Tuesday
~Waiting on Wednesday
~Thursday Interpretation & Library Unveiled
~Book Blogger Hop & Fun Friday
Now, for my status! (Please keep in mind that you do not have to use this exact format. Whatever works for you is what works for me.)
Finished This Week:
1. Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann. Finished on 20/6/2011. I read almost all of this book Mondy at the library; it was ahmazing!
2. Once a Witch (Witch, #1) by Carolyn MacCullough. Finished on 22/6/2011. I loved this novel! It was really interesting, and I breezed thru it every time I had a chance to read it!
Currently Reading:
1. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. On page 227. Maybe I'll get 3 pages read this week... That's all I'm asking for: 3 pages.
2. The Lens and the Looker by Lory S. Kaufman. On page 53. Have read some of this one in the last week, but not enough...
3. Fallen by Lauren Kate. Have read 25%. Haven't read any of this in the past week; but I'm going to get on it. So tired of books sitting up and not being read!
4. Cloaked by Alex Flinn. Have read 15%. Loved Beastly, so I quickly bought this one :)
5. Sweep: Volume 1 by Cate Tiernan. On page 1. Got this one earlier this week; have heard the series is awesome!
Next On My TBR (To Be Read) Pile:
1. The Bronze and the Brimstone by Lory S. Kaufman
What I Would Like To Buy Next:
~A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn
Don't forget to leave the link to your WYS post in the comments!
And now...
To continue with the 1st Annual What's Your Status? Contest, Jessica over at Thoughts at One in the Morning will be co-hosting with me today! We also decided to interview each other, and my half of the interview is below :). Click HERE to go to Jessica's post!!!!
1. When did you become absorbed in reading?
I loved reading when I was in elementary school, but somehow got out of the habit of it from middle school to high school. I picked it up again around age 19 when I was able to drive myself to the library. I discovered the Young Adult genre, and the rest is history!
2. What influenced you to share your bookish thoughts with others?
I had bounced the idea around for a long time, but then Angie at Eastern Sunset Reads (an online forum friend I’ve known for a couple years now) started hers up. I jumped on into it, but didn’t really get serious about it until March of this year.
3. Who is your favorite author in the YA realm?
Ellen Hopkins. She takes the most difficult/controversial subjects and turns it into a tugs at your heartstings novel that you can’t get out of your head for days after finishing. Those are always the best books, the ones that stay with you.
4. The first word that comes to mind when you hear the word "mockingbird" is ... ?
5. What's your favorite blogging day of the week?
I’d have to say Thursday for my own personal meme “Update Thursday” that I haven’t been able to stop. I decided to do it prior to learning of the other memes to keep my blog up to date. It’s basically a how things are going this week kind of post, somewhat book related with some non-book related thoughts. I almost didn't do it one day, but I couldn't not do it! It had become too much of a routine. I've started to have more fun with it, share some of the strange things about me. It gets some good conversations going in the comments!
6. What's your favorite letter of the alphabet?
7. What would you say is your favorite post from this year so far?
My "I’m Feeling Dorktastic Today" post. I plan on writing more of those featuring different books I’m nostalgic about from my childhood.
8. How long have you had your blog?
279 days, as long as my math is correct.
9. Do you have a favorite movie?
The Masterpiece Theater version of Persuasion. Before that came out it was The Sound Of Music.
10. What's your favorite food around the Thanksgiving holidays?
11. What are some ways my followers and I can keep up with you?
Facebook, GoodReads
Thanks so much for being on the blog today, Jessica!
All you readers, make sure you join me next week when I welcome Cat (Cat's Thoughts) to Butterfly Feet!!!
I hope you're keeping up with whose blog you love the most! The poll to vote will start July 3rd!!
1. When did you become absorbed in reading?
I loved reading when I was in elementary school, but somehow got out of the habit of it from middle school to high school. I picked it up again around age 19 when I was able to drive myself to the library. I discovered the Young Adult genre, and the rest is history!
2. What influenced you to share your bookish thoughts with others?
I had bounced the idea around for a long time, but then Angie at Eastern Sunset Reads (an online forum friend I’ve known for a couple years now) started hers up. I jumped on into it, but didn’t really get serious about it until March of this year.
3. Who is your favorite author in the YA realm?
Ellen Hopkins. She takes the most difficult/controversial subjects and turns it into a tugs at your heartstings novel that you can’t get out of your head for days after finishing. Those are always the best books, the ones that stay with you.
4. The first word that comes to mind when you hear the word "mockingbird" is ... ?
5. What's your favorite blogging day of the week?
I’d have to say Thursday for my own personal meme “Update Thursday” that I haven’t been able to stop. I decided to do it prior to learning of the other memes to keep my blog up to date. It’s basically a how things are going this week kind of post, somewhat book related with some non-book related thoughts. I almost didn't do it one day, but I couldn't not do it! It had become too much of a routine. I've started to have more fun with it, share some of the strange things about me. It gets some good conversations going in the comments!
6. What's your favorite letter of the alphabet?
7. What would you say is your favorite post from this year so far?
My "I’m Feeling Dorktastic Today" post. I plan on writing more of those featuring different books I’m nostalgic about from my childhood.
8. How long have you had your blog?
279 days, as long as my math is correct.
9. Do you have a favorite movie?
The Masterpiece Theater version of Persuasion. Before that came out it was The Sound Of Music.
10. What's your favorite food around the Thanksgiving holidays?
11. What are some ways my followers and I can keep up with you?
Facebook, GoodReads
Thanks so much for being on the blog today, Jessica!
All you readers, make sure you join me next week when I welcome Cat (Cat's Thoughts) to Butterfly Feet!!!
I hope you're keeping up with whose blog you love the most! The poll to vote will start July 3rd!!