*Grab the closest book.
*Open to a random page.
*Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from that page. You can share more if you want!
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS!!! (Make sure that what you share doesn't give away too much information. You don't want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title and autor as well, so that Teaser participants may add to their TBR list/s if they enjoy your teasers!
*Leave a link in the comment section of MizB's blog so that others can check out your teasers! You may leave your teasers here with the book title and author if you do not have a blog. (MizB's Blog)

"The parade of emergency vehicles passed by Phoebe Putney Memorial, and Caleb had a sudden image of burn victims in hospital beds."
"An askew column of smoke marked their destination minutes before arrival."
Well, I haven't read this book before, but my mom said it's really good. She has also seenthe movie and liked that as well. I hope you have some wonderful teasers closest to you! :D
Happy Reading as always,
I don't know this one, so Thanks, I love discovering new books !! Great teaser !!
Here's mine : http://onceuponaquote.blogspot.com/2010/11/teaser-tuesday-1-hourglass-by-claudia.html
Happy reading =)
Thanks for commenting!
I haven't read the book but I loved the movie. :)
My teaser: http://wordsandwhisperings.blogspot.com/2010/11/teaser-tuesdays-4-nightshade-by-andrea.html
Ooo sounds like a good one - I haven't read the book nor seen the movie!
THanks for dropping by :)
I haven't seen the book or the movie. But, it does look like and interesting book.
Sounds interesting! Never heard of the book but it sounds good!
I'm completely impressed. A reading blog at 13? WOW. You go girl.
mlisame: No problem!
Nikki: I thought it was normal, but hey... If you're impressed, I guess it isn't. LOL :).
Random: Check out my BFF's blog (she's 13 as well): Tales of the Mockingjay
Your mom is right! at least from the teaser, it sounds really good
Boy am I out of it -- I haven't heard of the book or the movie. I'll have to look into both.
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Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I love reading what you have to say, whether good or bad. (This is not an open invitation to be rude.)
This blog is an award-free zone. I simply don't have the time to pass them on. Thanks for thinking of me, though :).