By P.C. & Kristin Cast
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin, 2008
320 pages, Kindle Edition
Date Finished: 25/ 10/ 2010
Genres: Young Adult, Coming of Age, Fantasy, Some Action, Romance
~First Line of Book: " 'Yep, I have a seriously sucky nirthday,' I told my cat, Nala."
~Last Line of Book: "As usual, Nala summed up my life perfectly: kinda funny, kinda gross, and more than kinda messy."
Review: This novel was shorter than I thought it was. First I'm at 25% read, and then 4 hours later I'm done. Of course, I wasn't reading the entire 4 hours, which further proves my point. I wish that P.C. & Kristin could have had more action in Chosen, but I suppose it didn't fit right with the rest of the plot for this novel.
Zoey is having some serious guy issues. She has imprinted on Heath, is dating Erik, and flirts with Loren whenever they're alone. On top of that, she has been lying to her friends, and once the find out the truth everything, they come to the conclusion that they can't trust Zoet at all anymore. To make the plot even crazier, Aphrodite and Zoey seem to be becoming friends!! Now if that doesn't make your mouth drop open, I honestly don't know what will. LOL.
Chosen was a wonderful addition to the House of Night series, and Untamed is sure to be even better :D!

Quotes from the Book:
"Both of us saw totally eye to eye about my mother. One, she made us sad. Two, we wished she would change. Three, we knew she probably wouldn't."
" 'That man is such a damn turd monkey.'
'Grandma!' I said.
'Oh, Zieybird, did I call your mother's husband a damn turd monkey out loud?'
'Yes, Grandma, you did.'
She looked at me, her dark eyes sparkling. 'Good.' "
"The last thing I needed was a secret affair with someone who was even more off-limits that a huiman ex-boyfriend. (Sadly, it seemed like the last thing I need is usually the first thing I get.)"
"I hated it when kids got all nervous and scared around me like they think I might turn them into something vile. Please. It's the House of Night, not Hogwarts. (Yes, I read the Potter books and love the movies. Yes, that's more proof of my geekness.)"
how much money did you win writing the book
I didn't understand your question, Elisa. I didn't write the book, just read and reviewed.
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