1.) Nevermore by Kelly Creagh. Cost: $9.99. This was the Group Read on one of my GoodReads groups, but I didn't get a chance to read it. Maybe before the year is out.
2.) The Iron King (the Iron Fey, #1) by Julie Kagawa. Cost: $7.20.I have been wanting to start this series for a while, and I'm always hearing great things about it. However, like Nevermore, I won't be reading it before sometime in December probably.
3.) Nightlight: A Parody by Harvard Lampoon. Cost: $9.64. I actually bought this book in paperback. I wanted the book, didn't have money to buy it, and was disappointed when my dad said he wasn't buying it for me. But he did anyway -- I just had to agree to use my Kindle money. So that's what I did. :) I loved this book! Rated it four wings. Review of Nightlight.
Total Spent: $26.83
October was the same amount of books gotten as Sept., but I still haven't read any of the ones that are actually on my Kindle. Hopefully I will get to read them soon!
Happy Reading,
Zakiya :D
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