If you have ever read one of my Reading Status posts, you already know what this is about. But for those of you haven't...
Every Saturday, I will post my reading status: what I've read in the last week, what I'm currently reading and where I am in the book/s, what I will be reading next, and what I want to get/buy.
Anyone can participate in this meme. It's not required that you always have something that you have finished in the last week, nor is it required that you always know what you're going to read next.
If you can't post on Saturday, no worries! It is okay to post on Sundays. The Linky's will always be left open for those who can't post on Sat.
Interested in this meme? Post about it on your blog! Looking forward to reading your stats,
Zakiya, the Walking Butterfly
Ssounds like a MeMe every book reader should love. I'm looking forward to this. It should be interesting way to try and keep track of what is read and how much I get done weekly.
Mad Scientist
Sounds like a good meme. :)
Hey side note - did you make those lovely colour changing butterflies for your rating system? I love them! I would love to have something like that on my blog. I heart butterflies and dragonflies. :)
I love dragonflies as well! I didn't make it, actually. I looked up "animated butterflies" in Google Images, and just happened to find them.
Thanks for commenting!
Sounds fun! Count me in.
In the Closet With a Bibliophile
Thanks, Jen! :D
I love reading this meme every week. I'm in! It's such a great, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but an obvious why have any of us thought of doing this before type of way? Really excited for this new meme! I know it'll go far Z!
Haha, thanks, Kate. And I know you didn't mean it in a bad way. :)
check your inbox. codes should be there :)
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Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I love reading what you have to say, whether good or bad. (This is not an open invitation to be rude.)
This blog is an award-free zone. I simply don't have the time to pass them on. Thanks for thinking of me, though :).