In My Mailbox is a meme hosted every week by The Story Siren. To find out how to participate and the "official" details, check out the IMM page.
Anyone can participate in IMM and you are not limited to sharing books that arrive via your mailbox. You can also share books that you've bought or books that you've gotten at the library.
So what'd you get in your mailbox??
Flavors has a really nice cover.
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
Yeah, I agree. Love the cover for SINFUL, too, though :)
Thanks for commenting!
Glad you got Sinful Zakiya! I hope you enjoy it!
Great mailbox! I love the postcard :)
You can find my post here:
Quick Quotes Quills
Kate: I'm sure I will. We have the same tastes :)
Lu: Awesome! Heading over right now :)
Zakiya, both covers are pretty and hope you enjoy the books inside them!
My Mailbox this week, first for the year
I hadn't heard of these books before so thank you !! They seem great !! Enjoy :)
You're welcome, Elodie! Jackie B: I hope I do too! :D
Thanks both of you for commenting. :)
Great week! I haven't heard of either books, but I like their covers :)
Flavors looks good! Nice covers too.
Enjoy :)
Hadn't heard of these, but definitely love the covers! Hope you enjoy them :)
Interesting books!Happy reading :)
Enjoy your books :)
I've never heard of any of these, but Flavor definitely has a pretty cover. Happy reading!
I haven't heard of these, so I'll have to check 'em out on Goodreads. :) Hope you enjoy your new books!
I've not heard of these, think I will have to have a look on Amazon :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! x
Leanne: You're totally welcome!
Thanks to everyone who commented.
Happy Sunday!
Interesting books...I haven't heard of either of them but they do have intriguing covers.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Happy Reading!!!
Awesome books. Thanks for visiting my blog
Basmsa aal: You're welcome!
Kristin: I think that's the comment of the day, LOL :). One of my co-bloggers on another blog read Sinful (she got contacted) and reviewed it. Then I contacted the authors... Long story short: I got the book LOL.
Flavors I got contacted about maybe, like, a week or so ago. It seems really good. It's gonna be a wuick read, because it's only 115 pages. :))
Thanks for commenting!
I had not heard of these before. It's great to see something new.
I agree with you there, Melina. Thanks for commenting!
Great IMM; It is cool that the cute little postcard came with the book =]
I can put mine on my ipod. If your library has them there should be a help link telling you how to do it. They are great. :)
Awesome haul! Thank you for sharing :)
New Follower!!! (your 100th follower)!
I've never heard of either of these. Very pretty covers, though. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by my blog! Enjoy your reading! :)
My IMM Here
I've nerver heard of these books before, but they have great covers :) Have fun reading! :)
Greetings from Austria,
Sinful looks good! Hope you enjoy.
These look good - love the postcard for Sinful too - great pic!!
Sinful has a beautiful cover and sounds great too.
Thanks for stopping by the blog!
Sinful looks interesting. Postcards for books are so cool, I love them!
Thank you everyone for commenting!
~Z LadyWings
Enjoy all your books. I wasn't crazy about Sinful, but I'm curious what you will think!
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Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I love reading what you have to say, whether good or bad. (This is not an open invitation to be rude.)
This blog is an award-free zone. I simply don't have the time to pass them on. Thanks for thinking of me, though :).