In My Mailbox is a meme hosted every week by The Story Siren. To find out how to participate and the "official" details, check out the IMM page.
Anyone can participate in IMM and you are not limited to sharing books that arrive via your mailbox. You can also share books that you've bought or books that you've gotten at the library.
--The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
--The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson
--The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
--The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson
--The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
I have Dragon Tattoo on my Kindle, but it being in paperback will make it easier to read. And finally got ahold of Played With Fire. :) Can't wait to start on The Girl of Fire and Thorns either!!
Happy Reading! Leave a link to your IMM in the comments, and I'll be sure to stop by!
I keep debating over the Girl of Fire and Thorns. Can't decide what to do and plus my TBR mountain just continues to grow! Will look for your review!
Happy Reading!
Here's my IMM
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
I have read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series. Looking forward to seeing what you think.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series is awesome! I read The Girl of Fire & Thorns but didn't enjoy it as much as everyone else. I hope you enjoy your new books!
Nice titles. Enjoy.
girl of fire and thorns looks great~
I also grabbed the Girl of Fire and Thorns on net galley, I need more time to read gah!
I'm another that keeps debating over The Girl of Fire & Thorns...what to do, what to do!
Thanks for stopping by Book Sake.
Great books, hope you enjoy them :) Thanks for stopping by earlier.
I love Stieg Larsson series! I hope your enjoy them! : )
Thank you for passing by! : )
New Follower!
I really want to read the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo/who Played With Fire!
And I recently got The Girl of Fire and Thorns from NetGalley! I can't wait to start that one! I've been obsessing over getting it, and I was so happy when I downloaded it!
Thanks for commenting on my IMM!
I saw that one on netgalley as well but did not get it. I hope you enjoy it!
Great books this week! They all sound wonderful :)
I can't wait to read The Girl of Fire and Thorns! Enjoy! =)
I have The Girl of Fire and Thorns! Hoping I can get to it soon.
Thanks for stopping by my post!
I read the first Stieg Larsson book on a holiday a couple of years back and I loved it. I have the other two here and just haven't got around to reading them. Thanks for the reminder!
Oh, and thanks for visiting My Blog earlier, too.
ooh, The Girl of Fire and Thorns sounds great! :D
I need to read the girl with the dragon tattoo!! Nice IMM.
Thanks for checking out my blog:D
Awesome books! Supernaturally was pretty good, I hope you enjoy it too. Happy reading!
Stop by my IMM if you get a chance
Would you believe I still have not read the Stieg Larrson books - I have them but I just haven't cracked open the spine.
This is a good time to jump start that but... I'll wait to read your review first ;)
Enjoy the reads :)
I've heard some mixed reviews on The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series, I'm a bit hesitate with it. Tell me how it goes :) Great haul!
Ooh, The Girl of Fire and Thorns! I'm really looking forward to reading that one. The Stieg Larsson books look interesting as well. Happy reading! :)
I have Steig books too but need to read them! I'm super excited for Girl of Fire and Thorns, hope you love it :D
Nice books you have there :) I'm not sure whether to get The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo or not - I'll be interested to hear what you think :)
I'm a new follower - I really like the type of books you've reviewed so far :)
I keep debating on the Larsoon books...I'll be curious to see what you think.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Happy Reading!
Wannabe Librarian IMM
Enjoy the Millenium Trilogy! I liked the Girl Who Played with Fire.. well, I liked all 3, but the first one took a little bit to pick up speed.. :)
Enjoy & thanks for stopping by my page!
Beautiful use of pink and purple in the blog. Girl of Fire and Thorns is really good. Going to have my review up on Friday. New follower. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog.
I got a the girl of fire and thorns last week, I'm so excited to read it!
Thanks for stopping by Book Labyrinth. I've read 'The Girl of Fire and Thorns' and I thought it was pretty good!
Enjoy your reading! =)
I so want to read The Girl of Fire and Thorns! I've heard amazing things about that book, hope you like it! :D
I have the first and third books of the Millennium series, but still need the second. Have you seen the movies?
Thanks for stopping by Readers Unite! Happy reading!
Love the Girl Who series. Awesome & dark. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for stopping by.
Happy reading and thanks for stopping by. ^_^
I've got the Stieg Larson books to haven't read them yet but saw the movies they were great I really should read them soon.
That's a different cover for the Girl of Fire and Thorns than the ones I've seen before. Really want to read that but I have 34 other things on Net Galley I already said I'd do.
I've got the top two on my kindle but haven't read them yet.
I really need to get around to reading the Stieg Larsson books. I'm starting to feel like the last person in the world to get my hands on them!
I have girl of fire and thorns in my TBR pile. Havnt been sure wether to read girl with dragon tattoo or not.
Thanks for stopping by my IMM
Awesome IMM :D I must also read The Girl of Fire and Thorns I'm really excited :D I hope you enjoy all your books ;)
Happy reading!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog :D
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This blog is an award-free zone. I simply don't have the time to pass them on. Thanks for thinking of me, though :).