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Monday, September 20, 2010

The Giver by Lois Lowry

The Giver (the Giver, #1)
By Lois Lowry
Pulisher: Bantam Books, 1999
180 pages, paperback
Date Finished: 9/11/2010
Genres: Futuristic, Young Adult, Adventure, Coming of Age (sort of), Modern Classic

~First Line of Book: "It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened."
~Last Line of Book: "But perhaps it was only an echo."

Review: This was a great book to reread. It's futurisitic, in a place that's secluded and stricter than any place on present-day Earth. There is no color (everything is like a tan, emotionless shade), and at the Ceremony of Twelve, each person is given an Assignment, which is basically their job for the rest of their life. The main character, Jonas, gets a very important Assignment: the Assignment of Receiver. It's very difficult, and he's the only capabel person for the job right now; the last capable, 10 years before, had resulted in a failure. Jonas's life is changed forever....

This is a wondeful book! It was first recomended to me by a teacher, and is now one of my all-time favorites. I recommend this novel to everyone :).

Colorful Animated Butterfly Pictures, Images and PhotosColorful Animated Butterfly Pictures, Images and PhotosColorful Animated Butterfly Pictures, Images and PhotosColorful Animated Butterfly Pictures, Images and PhotosColorful Animated Butterfly Pictures, Images and Photos

Quotes from the Book:

"Now there were three Assignments gone, none of them ones that Jonas would have liked -- not that he could have been a Birthmother, anyway, he realized with amusement."

"Jonas reached the opposite side of the river, stopped briefly, and looked back. The community where his entire life had been lived lay behind him now, sleeping. At dawn, the orderly, disciplined life he had always known would continue again, without him."

--Zakiya, the walking butterfly


Kate said...

Not my kind of book but really good review Z!

Zakiya LadyWings said...

Thanks Kate! Why isn't it your type of book?


BookQuoter said...

I really liked this book. A simple book with a big punch!!

Zakiya LadyWings said...

Yeah, that's a good expression for it! I loved reading it. I wil probably be rereading it again sometime next year. :)

- Z

Alison Can Read said...

This is one of my all time favorites. Loved it since 7th grade.
Alison Can Read

Anonymous said...

hi, I just tagged you check it on my blog!

Zakiya LadyWings said...

Alison: Awesome! It has become one of my all-times as well :).

Stray: Cool! Thanks, :D.


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