In My Mailbox is a meme hosted every week by The Story Siren. To find out how to participate and the "official" details, check out the IMM page.
Anyone can participate in IMM and you are not limited to sharing books that arrive via your mailbox. You can also share books that you've bought or books that you've gotten at the library.
Over the last few weeks....
Bought (via different stores):
~Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn
~Bubbly to Bogus by Scott Westerfeld
~Starcrossed by Mark Schreiber
~An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
~Looking for Alaska by John Green
~Vampire Academy Ultimate Guide by Michelle Rowen & Richelle Mead
Borrowed (friend)/Library:
~Tunnels of Blood by Darren Shan
~The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
~Ordinary Wisdom by K. Blue
~The Earthquake Machine by Mary Pauline Lowry
Happy Reading!