Candle in the Darkness (Refiner's Fire, #1) by Lynn Austin
432 pages, Kindle Edition
Finished on 11/5/2013
Genres: Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Some Romance
Goodreads page
Motivation to Read It: I saw it on Kindle Diary (an app that tells you about free Kindle books), and the synopsis interested me so I bought it.
Review: This was the first Christian novel I'd ever read, and I must say it was pretty great! Usually I stay away from Christian Fiction (not really sure why), but this one had me halfway through it before I realized what genre it was. And by then there was no turning back anyway.
Caroline, Eli, and Tessie were definitely my favourite characters. You could have a real connection with them and not just be reading another character's dialogue or actions. Eli and Tessie were so confident, caring and loving of Caroline that they easily replaced the Fletchers as Caroline's parents in my mind. Caroline herself was quite the determined woman and that made me respect her even more.
I will most likely be spending money on the next book in the series. Hopefully the characters carry over!
Sweet Evil (Sweet Trilogy, #1) by Wendy Higgins
464 pages, Kindle Edition
Finished on 20/5/2013
Genres: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy
Goodreads page
Motivation to Read It: It's one of those YA books/covers that I look at once, remember forever, and eventually make myself read it because I'm tired of procrastinating. (Thank you library.)
Review: Wow. This book was absolutely amazing. It was something about it that just pulled me right in.
Anna and Kaiden -- especially Kaiden -- were some of the best characters I've read in a while. Wen they hurt, I hurt; but honestly, the love they (and shouldn't have) for each other is so emotionally pulling that I couldn't help but adore them even more. The plot was also a wonderful part to their story. Kaiden being in a band was a good little "different" facor that Higgins provided to the story. He was a bad boy, you could say, but not your average one at least. The plot carried you so well. Even though you knew the temporary happiness was indeed temporary, you knew the juicy drama (can we appropriately call it that?) was up ahead and ready to be devoured.
Usually I talk about how I'm going to buy the sequel soon, but, well..... I already have it lol. I'll post a review of
Sweet Peril by the end of June (I hope), so be on the look out!