This weekly meme is hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading. To play along, just answer the following questions:
1) What are you currently reading?
2) What did you recently finish reading?
3) What do you think you'll read next?
My answers:
1.) I'm currently reading Remember Me by Christopher Pike, Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Country by Allan Richard Shickman, and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. Remember Me is getting even more interesting! It is the entire trilogy in one book, and I'm almost done with the first story. Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Country is also getting really intriguing. I am about halfway through this one. The Hobbit I have not exactly started reading. I'm still on page 1, but plan to start stuffing my nose in it after the holidays.
2) The last book I finished reading was Radiance by Alyson Noel. It was awesome! Rated it 4 stars. The review should be up soon.
3) I'm not really sure what I will be reading next. Probably Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I have been wanting to finish this one for a really long time :).
Happy Reading (and Happy Holidays!!),
Tagged you back! ;D The Hobbit, ah good book. Considered Radiance, but wasn't sure. Glad to hear you liked it.
I have seen so many bloggers reading Pride and Prejudice that I have promised myself that someday I will leave my comfort zone and attempt reading it. Thank you for stopping by. Am now following you and look forward to your future posts. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
I love P&P. I've been meaning to re-read it :) The Hobbit is fun, too ;) Thanks for visiting my WWW & I loved Deathly Hallows, too! Already saw it twice & I'll probably see it once more when I re-read the book :) Happy reading & have a great week!
Happy Holidays to all of you, and thanks for commenting at my blog!
1. What are you currently reading?
Expiation by Greg Messel
2. What did you recently finish reading?
The Trophy Bride's Tale by Cyrilla Barr
3. What do you think you'll read next?
The Lodestone Book One: The Sea of Storms by Mark Whiteway
Hope you enjoy Pride and Prejudice - I loved it. :)
Thanks for stopping by earlier. :)
I recently bought a bunch of Austen books, figured if I was going to be reading the Mash-ups I'd better read the originals so I could enjoy them more! I have read Pride and Prejudice in school though it's been a long time. Recently read Evermore by Alyson Noel and really liked it, so I'll definitely be reading more of her books!
Thanks for stopping by my WWW today, and following me!
Looking forward to your review of Pride and Prejudice!
Thank all of you for coming and commenting!
Shaunesay: yes, probab ly better to get the original versions and read those as well. I haven't read a mash up before, but i will before i get to high school (that means i have until next august lol).
Happy thanksgiving to everyone,
Pleasant day to you,
I hope you have an extremely wonderful and thankful day no matter how you spend it.
Please do stop by anytime for a spot of tea & currently I have a giveaway as well and sign up for a new 2011 reading challenge if you find it worthy.
Happy Turkey Day,
Mad Scientist
Happy thanksgiving to you too!
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Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I love reading what you have to say, whether good or bad. (This is not an open invitation to be rude.)
This blog is an award-free zone. I simply don't have the time to pass them on. Thanks for thinking of me, though :).