I was just given this wonderful blogger award today from Small Review. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! I really appreciate it, and Congrats on earning your first-ever blog award :D!
When accepting this award, you are asked to:
1) Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award. (done)
2) Share 7 things about yourself.
3) Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4) Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
Seven facts about myself:
I. My favorite genres to read are Paranormal, Historical Fiction, and Young Adult in general.
II. I used to wear eyeglasses, but don't need them anymore.
III. My birthday usually falls somewhere around Thanksgiving.
IV. My favorite video game characters are Mario, Luigi, and Sonic the Hedgehog.
V. I am the oldest of two children by 2-1/2 years.
VI. Most of my friends are white, but I'm always willing mixing w/ different races.
VII. I really want to learn Spanish, French, Chinese, German, and Latin (not necessarily in that order).
The fifteen blogs I am passing this award on to:
1) Ms. Martin Teaches Media
2) Once upon a quote...
3) Community Bookstop
4) Book Ramblings
5) Chrissie's Corner
6) The Crooked Bookshelf
7) Beth's Thoughts
8) Novroz' Favorite Things
9) Pineapples & Pyjamas -- Young Adult Materials
10) The Bookish Snob
11) Between the Covers
12) Rule the Waves
13) Rundpinne
14) Always With a Book
15) Lost in Stories
Congratulations to all the receivers! :D
Thank you for the award :)
i have received on June, I will updated it because you have given me this award too :)
THank you so much for giving me this award =)I have to make a new post on my blog and follow the rules that you've listed, is that right ?
Thanks =)
Thanks for the award! I love the title of your blog!
Congrats again :) And since your birthday is around now, Happy Birthday!
Well, Z. I never knew that you wanted to learn so many languages. I think once you learn one you will find it easy to learn the next. Then you talk like me mixing in various word from other languages while I talk. LOL! I do adore those weird faces I get when i do that.
Thanks for finding the 2011 Reading Bucket List worthy to sign up for :)
Pleasant day and a wonderful holiday to you!!
Mad Scientist,
Congratulations again to all of you!
Elodie: Yepp, that's all you have to do!
Beth: Thanks! My good freidn Elyssa (her blog) helped think of it.
Small Review: Thank you!
Happy Holidays,
Wow, thank you so much for passing your award onto me! I love your blog button and your rating system - they are so beautiful :)
Thank you so much for the award!
Thank you do much for this awesome award! I love your Blog name :)
Hey I was wondering... how do you get a reward?...
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Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I love reading what you have to say, whether good or bad. (This is not an open invitation to be rude.)
This blog is an award-free zone. I simply don't have the time to pass them on. Thanks for thinking of me, though :).